Cyclone paint and powder paint booths from our company have been developed to work seamlessly in situations where color change and rapid color change is required. Cyclone paint booths are manufactured with DKB sheet and painted with electrostatic paint. Our wet paint and powder paint booths have automatic sieve and radial fan.
The filters of the cyclone paint booths sold can be easily cleaned with compressed air. Cyclone wet paint and powder paint booths can be produced in any size that our customers want. Thanks to cyclone powder paint and wet paint booths with very high dusting efficiency, you get the highest efficiency. Siemens and Telememaniqe brand materials are used in the electrical panels of the paint booths sold in our company. In our cabinets, the powder paint is collected with the help of cyclone and collected in the storage area of the cabin. Then, the accumulated paint is transferred manually to the sprayer tank of the cabin system and provides the advantage of repetition. Thus, by obtaining the highest desired dyeing efficiency, the study is made more cost effective and more efficient.