Boxline box-type powder painting furnace in hot air; The heat produced in the resistance thermoblock units is provided by the fan system in the furnace. All resistors operating in the electric furnace system are connected to a separate cable and the contactor contact, which enables the use of each resistance, is connected to each other. Boxline box-type powder coating is the system that enables the control of the electric furnace heat and it is completely digital so that the cooking time can be followed by the graph. In the boxline box-type furnaces that our company offers for sale of powder coating and wet paint furnace, there is also a horn disclosure system that tells us that the material used is in use.
Our company's boxline box type baking furnaces which are powder paint and wet paint oven are installed by car from the ground, it can be used easily by loading from the ground. Thanks to the silicone gaskets used in its doors, the inside of the electric furnace systems providing highly effective insulation is covered with non-galvanized electrostatic material. The standard panel color used by Ral 7035 for the electric furnace systems offered by our company is light gray, the connection areas and the color used for the pole are Ral 3020 red. With the experience we have in the sale of powder paint and wet paint furnace, we serve to win the satisfaction of our customers.